As a high school student studying biology as a major; or a minor, it is expected that you write a research paper at least once throughout your study period. Your research papers need good biology research ideas for high school students, so your paper can be interesting. Good biology research topics for high school students will help you educate and inform your readers. To achieve this, you need to find a list of biology research topics for high school students.
Biology Research Topics for High School
Here are some good research topics in biology for high school students.
- The structural differences between plant and animal cells
- Functions of the organelles in plant cells
- Functions of the organelles in animal cells
- The body’s way of creating energy
- The importance of taxonomy in biology
- Psychological development in young adults
- The impact of regular exercise on the immune system
- How homeothermic organisms regulate their body temperature
- Different hormones released during stress
- The impact of obesity on the immune system
- Insulin resistance in humans
- The importance of water in maintaining immunity
- Human tolerance for immunity
- The importance of the rhesus factor
- Modern ways of identification of organisms
- Differences in the cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- The stages involved in photosynthesis
- How hormones regulate the body’s functions
- The effects of cortisol
- The functions of the different layers of the skin
- How the liver detoxifies the blood
- How melatonin therapy has paved way in medicine
- The influence of exercise on hormones
- Dangers of abortion
- Underage childbirth
- The structural effectiveness of the DNA
- The enzymes responsible for DNA replication
- Enzymes responsible for regulating DNA replication
- Healthy methods of weight management
- Unhealthy methods of weight management
- Similarities between the DNA of a human and a banana
- The history of DNA modification
- Consequences of DNA alterations
- Biological factors that influence growth
- The science behind the vanishing twin
- Components of an adequate diet
- The importance of creating a balance of environmental resources
- Human activities that disrupt environmental balance
- Ways of disposing non-biodegradable waste
- Parasitic relationship in plants
- Proper ways of purifying water
- Misuse of non-renewable energy
- Different forms of energy conversion
- Consequences of environmental pollution
- Importance of microorganisms in biodegradation
- The effect of plastic in aquatic habitats
- Ineffective measures of pollution control
- The impacts of ceramics on the environment
- Effects of electric shocks on microbial cells
- Classes of food nutrients
- Importance of food nutrient classes
- The relationship between music and foetal development
- How climate affects plant distribution
- The contribution of biotic factors to loss of soil nutrients
- The economic importance of millipedes–
- The contribution of abiotic factors in loss of soil nutrients
- Ways of conservation of soil
- Biotic factors that determine soil composition
- Abiotic factors that determine soil composition
- Ways of replenishing soil nutrients
- Using plants as markers of environmental growth
- The place of agriculture in sustainable living
- Diet classes that are essential for early childhood development
- The creation of vaccines
- The history of medicine
- The use of Lactobacillus in medical practices
- Common spoilage organisms
- Hypersensitive reactions in the gut
- Common respiratory diseases
- The relationship between validation and oxytocin release
- Biological methods of pest control
- The stages of development of a fruit
- Natural suppliers of gut microbiota
- Over-fishing and its consequences
- Pollution in the home
- The importance of bottom feeders in aquatic habitats
- The contributions of scavengers to the food chain
- The Mendelian theory, and its applications
- Hormones and their impact in food cravings
- Effective birth control
- The positive aspects of sensory deprivation
- Using Pavlovian response as a tool for behavioural conditioning
- How the body breaks down sugar
- Ways of recovering endangered animal species
- The different types of vaccines
- The body’s response to the different forms of vaccines
- The activity of non-proteinous enzymes
- The activity of enzymes in the eyes
- How effective is the prediction of offspring features?
- Methods of communication amongst animals of the same species
- Communication between animals of different species
- Scientific explanation of sugar high
- DNA editing techniques and technologies
- The epidemiology of cholera
- Human contributions to climate change
- Problems that can arise during DNA transcription
- Natural immunity against forms of cancer
- Energy storage in the body
- Advancements in the search for a cure for cancer
- Behavioural economics: an overview
- Economic importance of earthworms
- Factors that support thriving of plants
- Adaptive features of animals in desert conditions
- Adaptive features of land animals in aquatic environments
- How synthetic biology can help save the world
- The importance of human relationships in mental health development
- The science behind addictions
- How the body breaks down fat
- Energy conversion within the human body
- The role of epigenetics in diagnosis
- How gene transfer determines immunity strength
- The contributions of genetic research in the treatment of cancer
- Transportation of nutrients around the body
- The actions of each type of RNA
- Method of communication or signal transfer between cells
- Binary fission as a means of cell reproduction
- Enzymes that regulate gene expression
- Enzymes that regulate RNA activities
- The role of food vacuoles in a cell
- How the body regulates its water content
- The balance of electrolytes in the human body
These topics are biology research topics high school students would find interesting, and easy to write about. You will find these biology research paper topics for high school students very fitting for different levels of capacities.